Oh, I hope it goes well.
We have lots of new (used!) books for the trip and a few small quiet toys. I am also planning to bring my nursing cover and nurse in public if need be, which will be a first for me. I have enough snacks to hopefully keep her happy and entertained. I am also planning on bringing the iPod so she can listen to music, really, she loves music so much I think if we hold a earphone up to her ear she might enjoy it, who knows. The laptop will come along as well. She really loves looking at the family pictures on it (especially ones of herself!!).
We will be leaving later tomorrow morning, assuming we can get my car unstuck out of the driveway by then....
(my husband wanted to go run an errand yesterday, he took my car as generally all wheel drive can concur anything, well, he got it stuck half way up our really, really long and steep gravel driveway. He tells me it is sideways...)
We haven't flown since I was pregnant and are disappointed at the new luggage rule, no longer can you check a bag for free anymore, NO, it costs $15 for the first bag for each seat paid for!! The price goes up if you want to bring another bag. We were expecting to pack light, but I did not know that you had to pay for just one bag now...
Wish us luck. We will be in the air for only 2 1/2 hours, then 1 1/2 hours tomorrow with a stop in Denver. Unfortunately there are no Non-Stop flights to Oklahoma City. Shocker :-)
Does anyone have any advice for flying with a one year old??
It's too bad I don't live in Oklahoma City anymore...It would be nice to meet in person. We were stationed there for 6 years and moved to Colorado Springs just over 2 years ago.
I don't know how old your daughter is, but my 2nd didn't fly until he was about 16 months old and it went pretty well - especially considering I had both kids by myself! I'm sure you'll be fine!! Have a nice trip!
Thanks, Laura! Funny, I didn't know you lived in Oklahoma! We were there many times during that 6 years!
My daughter is 13 months. Thank you for the encouragement. We just realized that the flights will be short with 1-2 hour breaks in between. I think that will really help break things up.
Wishing you luck for sure!! After you braved a full day with no electricity you can probably handle anything...:) I have not flown with my kids, just when I was pregnant. I hope all goes well for you ,and that you can get out of the SeaTac Airport. We are planning to travel to Spokane, but with the weather there we may have to cancel our plans. It will be an interesting holiday for sure!
Does she have her own seat or is she on your lap? I think when we have two we'll buy M her own seat even though she can still ride as a lap child...just can get too crowded:) My advice would be don't be afraid to walk the isles with your daughter. I was really embarassed to do that at first, but most people were really understanding and friendly:)
Does she have her own seat or is she on your lap? I think when we have two we'll buy M her own seat even though she can still ride as a lap child...just can get too crowded:) My advice would be don't be afraid to walk the isles with your daughter. I was really embarassed to do that at first, but most people were really understanding and friendly:)
She will be on our (MY) lap for the trip. She wouldn't sit in her own seat anyway. She is a really happy baby and loves people, so Im sure everyone will be 'easy' on us!
We should be out of SeaTac before the snow hits tomorrow. Hope you all enjoy yourselves and are prepared to be snowed in for a few more days.
Good luck Jane!
Bring lots of diversions for her. Little toys, snacks etc... She should be fine, it sounds like the flights aren't that long. The laptop is a great idea. Even though she is young and probably doesn't watch TV, she might watch it for a few minutes on the plane, long enough to keep her entertained a bit or help her fall asleep :)
I hope you have a good trip!
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