Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Computer printing error

So, recently I was trying to be helpful to the lovely Rachael over at Beans and Rice not waste her time installing an unnecessary printer on an additional computer to print more coupons at her home.  

I have tried to do this before.  At my last home (we just moved a month or so ago) we had high-speed internet service through our cable provider.  I thought I could be tricky and print additional coupons using multiple computers and multiple printers.  It didn't work.  My husband informed me that our home puts out just one IP address through our service and the coupon printing companies (ie; Bricks) must be limiting their coupon based on these parameters.  

When we bought a new home we could not keep our same service providers as they were not offered in our area.  We purchased Satellite TV and now have DSL internet service, no different in my mind, really, than what we had before.

When I told Rachael not to bother hooking up her laptop to her printer I saw a few readers say they were able to print coupons from multiple computers in their home with DSL.  

Whaaaat?  No fair I thought.  I then realized that maybe our service was different as we had just moved.  I had to ask my husband (sad, I know) if we had DSL now and he said we do.  I then hooked up my laptop to our printer and tried to print a coupon I had already printed twice earlier and knew I was at my limit, and.....  It printed 2 more times!!!

So, long story short, If you have multiple computers and DSL you can hook them up to print extra coupons.  If you have high-speed internet you still may not be able to.  Not fair, and I totally understand.

So; I will leave you with some good coupons to print, print, print!!

$1/1 Reynolds Wrap Foil (excludes 25 ft)
$.75/1 Fresh Express Complete Salad
$1/2 Nabisco Crackers (Triscuit, Ritz, Wheat thins)


Rachael said...

Well, cool. We can both print more coupons! By the way, it took both me and my husband a long time to figure out whether we had DSL or the other, so don't feel bad:) Great coupon links too...thanks!

Unknown said...

What? I don't get any props on how awesome I am for hooking up all of our computers and printers to different networks.

valley view farm said...

thank you sweetheart. You are super awesome for keeping all our computers up to date and all that fancy stuff.

click for more quotes from the office

